
Here it comes!

Someone's not happy with M. Morton's reply to Slayton's article! Here it goes: To: James Morton President The Ontario Bar Association REF: Maclean’s Article “Lawyers are rats” AN OPINION Dear Mr. Morton How can you be so offended in your article in the Post: "An inexcusable smear on lawyers" -James Morton, National Post Published: Monday, July 30, 2007 http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/story.html?id=6796f7b7-9f77-4674-8a6a-e9a99776a17a&p=1 How did we, the Canadian public, allow ourselves to be overrun by a handful of legalist zealots who operate 'Above the Law' ? Legalist Zealots have impoverished the Divorced Family Unit (article available upon request to CSM Canada). These Zealots have reintroduced incarceration without trial (divorce court) and re-opened debtor’s prisons (just miss one support payment). These Zealots have made our children both fatherless and motherless in their greedy quest to line their pockets, regardless of the Canadian Constitution, Fundamental Human Rights, the UN Rights of Children and the Fundamental Principles of Justice! Worst of all the Canadian and Quebec Bar Associations encourage such behavior by making any reasonable complaint impossible to resolve for the average person. (Come attend our lawsuit this fall in Quebec against the Bar for their failure to protect the public). The BAR wants you to NOT to know the following (or why bad lawyers (rats) go un-suspended from practice: When you have cause to complain you write a letter to the Bar: Then you get a form to fill out. Then you mail it. Then you get of letter of reply. Then you get another letter saying you have no cause for complaint. Then you ask for a review. Then you get another letter which tells you it is getting an opinion on the first decision. Then you get another letter that it is their opinion the first opinion is ok. AND all this done by the Bar itself, NOT from an outside review board independent of the Bar. Making our children parentless?…..this writer in his opinion thinks ‘rats’ is too kind a word. Respectfully, William Levy Status of Men Canada Ethics Committee 344 Lagace, Dorval, QC H9S 2M3 Tel:514-999-0001 Well isn't that something?