
Conseils pour futurs avocats

J'ai reçu un lien vers la liste qu'un avocat américain a rédigé à l'attention de ses collègues/futurs collègues juridiques. Voici quelques uns de ses conseils, que ses 15 ans de pratique lui ont inspiré:

[3] One word of mouth referral is worth a year in the yellow pages, in-your-face Facebook Ads, and mailers to homes of those arrested.

[5] No case or client is worth your reputation.

[18] Most people you deal with have either a family, a child, a personal issue, or something else that makes them just like you. If you need me to explain the relevance of this, just move on to...

[35] The people you walk by and ignore, notice.

[46] When business is slow, get the hell out of the office.

[59] Payment plans, will consume you.

Good read: have a look! http://mylawlicense.blogspot.com/2010/04/cause-of-defenseless-or-oppressed-15.html