La responsabilité civile expliquée par Erin Brokovich
"Let me invent an imaginary case here: The sun rose, and you got out in it and got a sunburn--you can't sue the sun. Now, if you slathered yourself with a sunscreen and the person next to you didn't use a sunscreen, and you're burned worse and now you have malignant melanomas...then maybe you've got something. In either case, you're not suing the sun. Your suing the ones at fault--maybe some crook down the road who sold the sunscreen maker baby oil but claimed it was paba. It's still going to be hard to prove because that melanoma could have had a gazillion other causes. And you still have to prove it and look for the deceit, to connect the dots. But if it is an event that clearly happened to you, that's a foundation.
You can't build a case if the foundation is jello."
What a great blog to read: http://www.brockovichblog.com/