
Heading for the Heat!

I'm leaving tomorrow for my wonderful trip in Israel (free!!) and it's going to be ass-kicking! I can't wait to tell you all about it when I come back! I hope the terrorists won't know we're coming so we can all (the 40 of us) be safe and sound! I'll take a lot of pictures which I'll then post on my facebook and the best I'll put them up here. When I come back I'll have to get ready for school and a lot is happening at work too (contracts with AXA, Hydro and possibly Via too)... plus I'll catch up with some old friends before school starts. Can't wait! xoxo


9-1-1 Psycho Caller

Une jeune femme de 23 ans vient d'être mise en accusation pour avoir fait presque 10 000 appels inutiles au 911 à partir de son cellulaire. C'est un crime parce qu'elle prenait la ligne pour des appels importants- d'urgence! Ce qui veut dire que si une vieille dame se fait attaquer dans son appart elle ne pourra pas avoir de secours parce que psycho caller veut avoir son fun... Voir l'article: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20080720/CPACTUALITES/80720033/1019/CPACTUALITES


Hubert Reeves sur les agrocarburants

On entend de plus en plus que les agrocarburants vont peu à peu remplacer le pétrole qui se fait rare. Mais est-ce une bonne idée? A-t-on envie de se ramasser avec une autre catastrophe écologique? Hubert Reeves pense que non, ce n'est pas une bonne idée. Dans son article du Journal de Montréal de dimanche, il explique que cela 1) assècherait les terres et les rendrait infertiles 2) diminuerait la quantité de nourriture disponible sur terre "il faudrait jeûner pour rouler" Quelles solutions? 1- utiliser les agrocarburants seulement pour les engins agricoles. La profession sera moins tributaire du pétrole et la diminution de ce coût se répercutera sur le prix des productions. 2- ne plus utiliser les voitures, choisir plutôt le transport en commun, le vélo, la marche. Si pas le choix prendre des voitures peu puissantes à faibles émissions...


Note finale

A- pour mon dernier cours du certificat en droit. Who rocks?


Nouveaux cours

Tout le monde sait que la première année est la plus excitante pour un blog mais comme je ne veux pas perdre ma motivation, je vous donne des nouvelles de mes études à l'UQAM. Malgré un horaire chargé, je vais participer au journal étudiant l'affidavit qui a une équipe du tonnerre! D'ailleurs voici un aperçu de mes cours: - introduction au droit et intégration (+ séminaire qui va avec) - théorie générale des obligations - droit constitutionnel - personnes et famille - droit judiciaire 1 - informatique et recherche juridique Pas mal hein? Je pourrais seulement m'inscrire fin août à cause des vacances du registrariat (tss.... ;)

Eric Hutchinson

One of this year's best new talent is performing at Les Saints, a corner from where I live! I'm still checking out if I can go but it's the best! Tickets are 20$ at admission.com and Missy Higgins is doing most of the show. I don't know her but I'm downloading some of her stuff right now.

Bientôt LE voyage!

Ceux qui me connaissent savent que les voyages sont dans mes veines depuis toute petite. Mais depuis quelques temps je n'ai pas eu ni le temps ni l'argent de parcourir le globe. Qu'à cela ne tienne! D'ici deux semaines je serais au bord d'ElAl (compagnie aérienne d'Israël) avec un groupe d'amis nord-américains pour explorer le super-vieux continent. Aucun mot ne peut décrire la hâte qui m'habite. J'ai besoin plus que jamais de m'évader. 1) le temps est long avant la rentrée 2) je me suis séparée 3) la routine commence à rentrer Je vais bien sûr poster les détails au fur et à mesure et en tous cas vous poster les photos à mon retour. Choses qui restent à faire: - acheter lampe de poche et piles - retrouver l'itinéraire! - acheter des sandales (?)


Lyrics of the Week - Eddie Vedder "Society"

Oh it's a mystery to me. We have a greed, with which we have agreed... and you think you have to want more than you need... until you have it all, you won't be free. Society, you're a crazy breed. I hope you're not lonely, without me. When you want more than you have, you think you need... and when you think more then you want, your thoughts begin to bleed. I think I need to find a bigger place... cause when you have more than you think, you need more space. Society, you're a crazy breed. I hope you're not lonely, without me. Society, crazy indeed... I hope you're not lonely, without me. There's those thinkin' more or less, less is more, but if less is more, how you keepin' score? It means for every point you make, your level drops. Kinda like you're startin' from the top... and you can't do that. Society, you're a crazy breed. I hope you're not lonely, without me. Society, crazy indeed... I hope you're not lonely, without me Society, have mercy on me. I hope you're not angry, if I disagree. Society, crazy indeed. I hope you're not lonely... without me.


Complicated Cops

Why would undercover cops accuse four innocent men? Thank goodness for a video camera which proved their innocence, but 2 of them lost their job and savings on that false accusation and most importantly - their trust in the judicial system. Read the full article here: http://wcbstv.com/local/Undercover.NYPD.Officers.2.759420.html I still want to believe this does not happen here in Quebec: how long will I be that naive?


Some sense in Suspense Crime Book

I'm reading a book from John Grisham called " The Innocent Man " and I thought you'd like to read the interview the author did about it. It gives you a rough idea of what the book is about and hopefully you'll read it too! Read the complete interview at: http://www.amazon.com/Innocent-Man-Murder-Injustice-Small/dp/0385517238 Q: You take on some pretty controversial and heated topics in your book--the death penalty, prisoner’s rights, DNA analysis, police conduct, and more--were any of your own beliefs challenged by this story and its outcome? A: None were challenged, but my eyes were open to the world of wrongful convictions. Even as a former criminal defense attorney, I had never spent much time worrying about wrongful convictions. But, unfortunately, they happen all the time in this country, and with increasing frequency. Q: So many of the key players in this case are either still in office or practicing attorneys. Many family members and friends still live in the same small town. How do you think The Innocent Man will impact this community and other small rural towns as they struggle with the realities of the justice system? A: Exonerations seem to be happening weekly. And with each one of them, the question is asked--how can an innocent man be convicted and kept in prison for 20 years? My book is the story of only one man, but it is a good example of how things can go terribly wrong with our judicial system. I have no idea how the book will be received in the small town of Ada, Oklahoma, or any other town. Q: What do you hope your readers will take away from The Innocent Man? A: A better understanding of how innocent people can be convicted, and a greater concern for the need to reimburse and rehabilitate innocent men after they have been released.

The Right Thing

Don't we all want to do the right thing? How hard is it? Does it count when you see something bad and you don't do nothing? Does it count as not doing the right thing? I wish I'll have the guts to do what it takes when confronted in a situation which requires courage from the right people.